I steer my board into bodyguards enchanter with taric + item holder carry (and enabler for carry if needed, say two arcanists) I basically play strongest board and most flexible augment, I will slam flexible ap and tank items always. I try to play a vanguard mystics sort of team comp or enchanter bodyguard I love playing flex so this style is natural Havnt ground mmr for a few sets so started low Playing every game breezing through diamond atm. It definitely requires some brain to get consistent results though, because you need good enough fundamentals to be playing strongest board while generating enough econ to roll for a 5 cost on level 8. There are so many early game item holders for GA + Archangel and there are many late game carriers that work well (Kaisa, Akali, Tahm Kench, Viktor), though Kaisa is clearly a step above the rest. Mercs is another option as you can cashout and hope for Neeko's helps to go for a 2* 5 cost. Playing yordles early game into socialite is quite strong since you can generate enough econ to go level 8 on 4-2. I've found the comp to actually be forceable, so long as you manage your econ and health well enough on stage 2 and 3. Part of the problem is that 1 star 5 costs stabilize way too hard (compared to 1 star 4 cost) and Kaisa is just extremely overtuned at the moment. I just feel like I might need to find a decent fall-back-comb in case I don't find any 5* carries, but since I usually play Urgot, Jhin or Yone I'm not super comforable with combs that need Akali or Kaisa items.ģ* socialite + 5 cost is way too consistent for how high roll this type of comp normally is. While I still think it's probably a bit too risky to mainly go for those com bps, it felt much more doable to force them then I first thought. Last game I went with Cho-centered Mutants with Kaisa carry, to have the option to either stick with tier 3 Cho, or move to 3x Socialites, if I find a Galio, but already having a tier 2 Sion to support him. I usually tried to not commit too hard on items if possible, but since at least Akali and Kaisa can use almost the same items, I would at least go for something like GA, Archangels or HoJ midgame, try to play strongest board and then commit on the first 5* carry I find (or in case of my last games on either Akali or Kaisa, since I'm more comfortable with those). Since I've just been promoted to Plat, I'm in the comfortable position to meme around a bit and try out new combs that I'm not super familiar in ranked, without fearing derank.īecause of that I tried to 'force' these 5*-centered combs for a few games and was a bit suprised of how well it worked. I've been seeing a lot of com bps like Akali OR Kaisa OR Victor + 3x Socialite showing up at the top of meta lists currently.